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Research Support

Research Meetings

There are two types of general research meetings held in the College of Dental Medicine (CODM) on a regular basis to support faculty, staff, student and resident research. They serve as a peer support system to promote research collaboration and increase the quality of research. They are open for everyone to join. The names of these two research meetings are: (1) Research Advisory Committee (RAC) meetings, (2) Evidence-based Dental Research Council (EDRC) meetings. The RAC meetings are coordinated by the Clinical Outcomes Research and Education (CORE) Manager and the EDRC meetings are coordinated by the National Student Research Group (NSRG) officers.

We use the RAC meetings to give each other updates on our research projects, inform each other on internal and external research activities and opportunities, mentor faculty, staff, residents and students, and help each other troubleshoot issues arise in research. The RAC meetings are typically facilitated by faculty and staff. They are informal research meetings. Facilitators do not need to prepare PowerPoint or lectures. Meeting attendees come to the RAC meetings with ideas, news and/or questions for the group, and the designated facilitators can facilitate the discussion. Faculty, staff, residents and students are always welcome to bring their ongoing research projects or project ideas to the RAC meetings to present to the group and seek feedback. A dedicated time slot will need to be reserved with the CORE Manager for any project presentation, issue or question that requires the entire meeting period. If anyone has any special request for getting help on their research project (such as how to mentor students and residents, how to do statistical analysis on a specific set of data, how to write or edit a certain part of a manuscript or grant application), they should send an email to the CORE Manager in advance of the meeting, so that a slot of time during the RAC meeting(s) can be blocked out in helping them with their project exclusively. During the academic year, RAC meetings normally hold twice per month from 12pm to 1pm (Mountain Time) on Wednesdays. Meetings during summer and winter breaks can be scheduled upon request. Please contact the CORE Manager for RAC meeting schedule or other information.

The EDRC meetings are organized by the NSRG officers. These meetings can be formal or informal. They normally involve having speakers to give lectures or seminars on a certain research area or to present their research studies to the group, or having experts to teach a certain aspect of research methodologies or to lead group discussion in published studies, as well as giving students opportunities to present their research studies, discuss journal articles, practice and receive feedback on their upcoming conference presentation. During the academic year, EDRC meetings normally hold once per month. No meetings are held during summer or winter break. Please contact the NSRG officers for schedule or further information.

Literature Search

Research Resources

Public Databases for Secondary Data Analyses

Extramural Research Funding Opportunities

Intramural Research Funding Policy

CODM Principal Investigators can apply for research project awards after meeting the following eligibility criteria:

(1) Registered the research project with CORE before or at the start of the project
(2) Showed active participation in the RAC meetings and/or EDRC meetings
(3) Demonstrated compliance with all IRB regulations (and submitted IRB approval letter to CORE as appropriate prior to initiation of the projects)
(4) Completed two required CODM professional research development courses: Citi trainings in Biomedical Sciences, and Good Clinical Practice (FDA focus) Note that these are required CODM research professional development courses, and they are not necessarily related to any specific research project that an individual is planning to conduct or is currently conducting. The unexpired Citi training certificates need to be submitted to the CORE.
(5) Received less than two awards within the past 24 months
(6) Agreed to present the funded project at the RAC meetings and/or EDRC meetings as needed
(7) Agreed to assist the CORE and/or the NSRG as needed during the research project period
(8) Agreed to submit at least one manuscript related to the funded research project to a journal (peer-reviewed with an impact factor > 1) or submit one extramural grant application at the conclusion of the research project period
(9) Agreed to submit projects updates to the Dean for Research and Graduate Education every 6 months until the project is fully completed and to provide names and affiliations of all team members.
(10) Agreed to present the funded research project at the CODM Research Conference and at the Roseman Research Symposium during the research project period

CODM Principal Investigators can apply for research project awards after all of the above criteria are met.

After meeting all the eligibility criteria for funding, the Principal Investigator can submit application materials to CORE which include: (1) Curriculum Vitae of the Principal Investigator, and (2) Research project proposal consisting of project title, names of Principal Investigator, team members and their affiliations, project objective(s), proposed methods, timeline, detailed budget including the amount requested and allocation of awarded funds.

Funds can be used for materials and supplies, technical assistance, article publication charges, and other items related to the research projects sufficiently justified in the proposed budget. The Principal Investigators need to meet with the Dean for Research and Graduate Education to outline the project proposal and obtain feedback (and then make revision as needed) before the formal application submission. The funding decision is determined by the Office of the Dean for Research and Graduate Education. The amount of funds awarded is contingent on specific project needs and availability of funding.

It can take up to 6 weeks (excluding holidays) for funding decisions to be made. All research project awards must be approved prior to the start of a research projects being carrying out and prior to any project expenses being made. These awards can only be made and distributed to the Principal Investigators. No expenses will be made or reimbursed if the research project was not registered with the CORE prior to the initiation of the research projects. Questions related to research project award application should be directed to the CORE Manager, and the application should be submitted to the CORE Manager.

Conference Travel Funding Policy

CODM students, residents, staff and others (who do not have University professional development funds or other sources of funding) can apply for conference travel awards meeting the following eligibility criteria:

(1) Showed active participation in the RAC meetings and/or in the EDRC meetings
(2) Completed two required CODM professional research development courses: Citi trainings in Biomedical Sciences, and Good Clinical Practice (FDA focus)
(3) Agreed to present at RAC meetings and/or EDRC meetings
(4) Agreed to assist CORE and/or the NSRG as needed during the research project period
(5) Agreed to present at the CODM Research Conference and at the Roseman Research Symposium

Applications for travel funding can be submitted by students, residents, staff and others (who do not have University professional development funds or other sources of funding) to the CORE after their research abstract has been accepted for presentation at a professional conference meeting. Funds can be requested for airfare, ground transportation fare, lodging and conference registration fee. Society membership is considered on a case-by-case basis, only the decrease in conference registration offsets the membership cost.

Funding is contingent upon the applicant presenting at the conference meeting and is made on a reimbursement basis. It can take up to 6 weeks (excluding holidays) for funding decisions to be made. No more than one travel award will be made to any applicant during an academic year.

If the applicants and/or their Principal Investigators have other sources of funding (e.g., research project grants, travel grants, other funds), they must use those funds to pay for the applicants’ travel as the primary source. CODM’s intramural research funding for conference travel can serve as the secondary source to help defray part of the conference travel cost.

The travel funding application must include the following items:

(1) A copy of the submitted meeting abstract and documentation of its acceptance.
(2) A statement from the applicant indicating that this is not a University nor College required travel, and that the applicant wishes to travel on his/her own and assumes all responsibilities and risks associated with the travel.
(3) A statement from the applicant indicating how this conference meeting contributes to his/her professional development and contributes to CODM research’s overall mission and goals.
(4) A travel budget estimate for eligible expenses.
(5) Completion of the CODM Research Conference Travel Request Form.

Awards are contingent on funding availability and are determined by the Office of the Dean for Research and Graduate Education.

Any applications received that do not contain all of the items will not be processed. It is the applicants’ responsibility to verify with the CORE that all application materials have been completed in a timely manner. Funds awarded may only be used to pay for expenses directly related to the applicant’s travel and registration. The Office of the Dean for Research and Graduate Education has the right to rescind the award if the applicant cancels, does not attend, or fails to meet the eligibility criteria.

All approved travel expenses are reimbursed after the travel has been completed. No travel expenses will be reimbursed if not approved by the Office of the Dean for Research and Graduate Education prior to travel. No reimbursement will be granted if submission of receipts and reimbursement request forms to the CORE is more than three months after the conclusion of the conference meeting presentation.

If applicants have any hardships, they should contact and seek assistance from their projects’ Principal Investigators. The ultimate responsibility of the travel funding and research funding lies with the projects’ Principal Investigators, and the ultimate responsibility of the travel lies with the travelers.

Research Excellence Awards

Research recognition will be considered for CODM faculty for each first authored publication with an impact factor higher than 3, has CODM listed as the main affiliation and is an active participant in the RAC meetings.

Research recognition will be considered for CODM faculty who have mentored students or residents for attaining national honors in research, and is an active participant in the RAC meetings.

Research recognition will be considered for CODM students, residents and staff for each publication with an impact factor higher than 3, has CODM listed as the main affiliation, and is an active participant in the RAC meetings.

Research recognition will be considered for CODM faculty, students, residents and staff for each extramural research grant application submitted or awarded as a Principal Investigator or Mentor.

Note that the authors or investigators should send the publication, or honors information or the full grant application as appropriate to the CORE Manager for award initiation.

Research Lab (on the 3rd floor of CODM in South Jordan and in the Research Building in Henderson)

Dr. Man Hung (Director of Research Lab CODM)

Research lab access policy and application procedure for students, residents and visitors:

  1. Complete the Citi Biomedical Research and Citi Good Clinical Practice (FDA focus) training, and send these two Citi training certificates to Dr. Hung and her administrative assistant.
  2. Contact the campus safety training officer to complete lab safety training and obtain the general lab safety manual. Campus safety training officer in South Jordan is Dr. Tyler Rose, and in Henderson is Dr. Surajit Dey.
  3. Complete lab safety training and lab safety quiz.
  4. Send a copy of lab safety quiz scores (showing passing scores) to Dr. Hung and the CORE Manager.
  5. Complete the “Student Lab Access Packet”. This packet can be obtained from the CORE Manager. 
  6. Ask faculty advisor to sign on the faculty advisor sections of the “Student Lab Access Packet”.
  7. Send the completed “Student Lab Access Packet” with faculty advisor signature to the CORE Manager, so that the CORE Manager can inspect completeness of the packet and then forward for Dr. Hung to sign on the Dean’s sections. Once Dr. Hung signed and approved the lab access application, the CORE Manager will contact facility for providing lab access to the applicant. The CORE Manager will inform the applicant and Dr. Hung of the access after access is activated.

Research lab access policy and application procedure for faculty and staff:

  1. Complete the Citi Biomedical Research and Citi Good Clinical Practice (FDA focus) training, and send these two Citi training certificates to Dr. Hung and her administrative assistant.
  2. Contact the campus safety training officer to complete lab safety training and obtain the general lab safety manual. Campus safety training officer in South Jordan is Dr. Tyler Rose, and in Henderson is Dr. Surajit Dey.
  3. Complete lab safety training and lab safety quiz.
  4. Send a copy of lab safety quiz scores (showing passing scores) to Dr. Hung and the CORE Manager.
  5. Complete the “Faculty/Staff Lab Access Packet”. This packet can be obtained from the CORE Manager. 
  6. Send the completed “Faculty/Staff Lab Access Packet” to the CORE Manager, so that the CORE Manager can inspect completeness of the packet and then forward for Dr. Hung to sign on the Dean’s sections. Once Dr. Hung signed and approved the lab access application, the CORE Manager will contact facility for providing lab access to the applicant. The CORE Manager will inform the applicant and Dr. Hung of the access after access is activated.

Note: Approval for research lab access does not equal to approval for research funding. Additionally, lab safety training must be renewed and completed each year, and lab safety quiz scores must be submitted to Dr. Hung and the CORE manager each year. Those who failed to renew lab safety training or failed to submit lab safety quiz scores each year may have their research lab access revoked.

Research Lab items and supplies ordering procedure:

  1. Faculty/staff/residents/students requesting items to be ordered will obtain an electronic order form from the CORE Manager, ( Click here to see an example form) and then fill out the form in its entirety.
  2. Put order form together – Please use the required research electronic ordering form to complete all orders. Please use one form per vendor (for tracking and budgeting purposes). You need to provide a detailed description of your study including the purpose of your study and the reasons for the need of the lab items or supplies. Everything must be completed and filled out (except the signature field) before submitting to the CORE Manager. If you would like to receive a text with any order updates, go ahead and included your cell phone number on the order form.
  3. Once the form has been submitting to the CORE Manager and the CORE Manager doesn’t have any further questions, the CORE Manager will send the form to Dr. Hung for an electronic approval.
  4. After Dr. Hung has signed the form and approved, the order will be placed by the CORE Manager. *Note that an order form needs to be filled out completely for each order regardless it is for the same or different project. The ordering and approval process may take one to two weeks. Please do not order in the last minute. There is no rush order allowed. For further information, please contact the CORE Manager.
  5. Whoever is requesting the order will be the one receiving any confirmations/order updates via their Roseman email. If you want someone else or any additional people to receive those confirmations/updates, please include their names on the order form.
  6. When the order arrives, Stephen O’Tinger will send out an email to all parties involved with research. It is preferred that if those requesting the order were there to receive their materials properly, and this will also help eliminate anything sitting in Shipping/Receiving for long period of time, possibly ruining any material.
    a. If you are able to come and collect the order, please respond to the email thread so we know someone is on their way!
    b. If you are unable to come and collect the order, please respond to the email thread so someone else knows it will need to be picked up!
    c. Anyone who has access to the lab is authorized to come and pick up the order; however, Stephen O’Tinger will have a sheet for you to sign once the package has been picked up. This will transfer all responsibility onto the person picking up the package.
    d. Whoever picks up the package will need to put it in the appropriate required temperature/lab. There will be a packing slip in or on the box, and once that has been retrieved, you will need to send/give a copy of that packing slip to the CORE Manager for accounting purposes!

Note that all CODM faculty/staff/residents/students need to have the two required CODM research professional development courses (Citi Biomedical Sciences and Citi Good Clinical Practice (FDA focus)) and the Roseman’s lab safety training completed before items can be approved for ordering.

Clinical Outcomes in Research and Education (CORE)

CORE Director: Dr. Man Hung
CORE Co-Director: Dr. Frank W. Licari
CORE Manager: Sabrina Cervantes

The CORE is an integral part of the Roseman University College of Dental Medicine. It provides support for various research projects and activities. For more information, please visit